Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sanibel Day Two

View from the balcony. 7:02 am

 Olivia is an early riser.  Breakfast, and I was off to Ding Darling

 White pelicans
Roseate spoonbill
On the water at 8:37








 The eagle reminds me of where I was paddling as I compose 9 days later.  I was in Pine Island Sound.



Another eagle


 I paddled to Blind Pass, which divides Sabibel Island from Captiva Island.   You may recall I often have trouble picking the correct channel.
This year was no exception.

The channel is marked.  But there is a point where is splits. I went the wrong way. Wrong if you are trying to get to the Gulf.

I just think of it as extra exploration experience
 A second detour before I saw the Gulf beyond the bridge
I made a brief paddle past the bridge, then turned back.

Trying to get a dolphin video

 Red mangrove, I assume







 Landed at 1:15.
Phineas had no interest in hearing about my adventures. Napping after his.
 I must have been getting a sandwich or something
Before a beach walk


Closest to the Lighthouse














 Monica and Bill
Monica and I

 Word on the beach was the Geminid meteor shower peaked Saturday. Still impressive Sunday night, including a massive fireball.

more to come 87

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