Monday, January 5, 2015

Cedar Key

Looking out from the balcony of Unit 330, Park Place, Cedar Key, Florida, Monday, January 5, 2015
 7:26 AM
 On the beach, 7:41
Low tide
 City Park plaque
Last morning walk

Looking at these pictures reminds me I did the walk counterdockwise

 I had always began these last day walks on Dock Street.  Began today on 2nd Street.

Gained a new perspective


The mural artist also did the one at the gas station/Sandy's Produce,  which you saw last week.





I had not noticed this before.  Why not, I have no idea.
 Even coming from Dock Street, instead of walking to it, kind of hard to miss.

 Low tide at the inner harbor.  I am not sure a kayak could make it in or out. Much less a boat with  prop.

 Interesting things appear at low tide

 Unsolved mystery
Or, Christmas drumstick



 The signage hodge podge below is what inspired doing the walk backwards when I noticed it Sunday night. 



 The old boat ramp


 Boat, sunset... the Seal looks like a Yakdave photo
 A bald eagle soared over Park Place
 My balcony
The eagle
 Taken from the back balcony
View from my balcony
Some may recognize the calendar in the office.
 On the water at 11:10


 Pelicans looking for a handout
 Black skimmers, and more, on the sandbar at the entrance to the Number 2 Channel


 No going past the wreck today


Tidal influenced cove where Mermaid's Landing and Pirate's Cove are located.  I likely will be at one or the other from February to May as Park Place's prices go up for the season.

 Juvenile yellow crowned  night heron








Landed at 1:30
The pole lying on the beach is the former Christmas tree. 

On these Cedar Key Mondays when I have to work at 5, I can make it back to Orlando almost on time if I land at 2:00.  So, I had 30 minutes to spare.
 For lunch at the Ada Blue Café on the way out of town
In a trailer park.
 A little cool, but I sat outside.
 Pulled pork sandwich combo.  I choose beans and cole slaw as my sides. Big styrofoam cup of ice tea
Plus garlic bread, which was brought out as I ate.  Worked for me, as I was pressed for time, so it was semi warm for eating in the car.
 The inside

Eating barbecue in a trailer park, under a live oak tree.  How much more country can it get?  Then "Elvira" came on over the sound system. That is the opening photo of this Tale.

Depressing sight.  Leaving Cedar Key.  I'll be back.

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