Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hillsborough River

Launching from Trout Creek Park at 7:38 am Saturday morning.  Would have started earlier, but had to readjust the kayak after a wind gust jostled it.  A very windy morning.  It continued all day.


 The wind was so strong, it negated the downstream current I was paddling against.


Saw a buck. Unable to get a picture.

 Morris Bridge Park, 9:25 AM

This bank was underwater Thanksgiving weekend.  See the brown fence?  I paddled to, and past it.


I like this picture so much I'll post two views taken moments apart

 First gator of the morning


 Gator number two


2 for 1
 Gator number 3


 Landed at Sargeant Park
 Azaleas in bloom

 Had lunch

Headed back out
 And back down the Hillsbrough













As I approached Morris Bridge I saw something I had hoped I would not see.  A huge armada of kayakers. I had seen them on the way up River.  Older folks, in fancy long kayaks.  I was hoping they would take out at Morris Bridge.  But, it appeared they only took a break. Which was ending as I arrived.  I lagged back.  Fortunately for me, this was a fast paddling group.  They soon disappeared down River.


A new arrow at a point where many, including me, have gone the wrong way


 Vultures.  There are hundreds on this section of the Hillsborough


On the way up River, one roseate spoonbill flew overhead.

 Maybe this is where it landed

I was fortunate to get close and take several pictures

 Or, blind?
 As long as I was at Trout Creek Park I may as well paddle the eponymous creek.

Duck weed

Landed at 3:30
Arrived at the Double Tree, North Reddington Beach, just after 5.   A bit of a nervous drive over the bridges.  Wind still blowing.

The hotel is on the beach.  For $100, you get a parking lot view.
The last 3 years, I was able to get ocean front accommodations at St Pete Beach for around $80 this time of year.  Not this year. Reddington Beach is about half way up the barrier island chain off the Pinellas County mainland

Went for a sunset stroll

 Piers in both directions. I walked north.



 still windy



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