Monday, March 16, 2015

Cedar Key, Sunday, March 15, 2015

I know. Dave's Yak Tales.  But it is my online log, and I like the photo.
 Biked to the beach for sunrise





Biking back



Peace signs are big in Cedar Key. Breakfast, check out, on the water just after 9:30
 Not a sandbar. Black skimmers on the roof of Cedar Cove
 Spoonbill feather


 I think this is the Scale Key eagle nest. Hard to recall almost a month later
 It is Scale Key. I can tell by the markers. Clam farm leases.


 Fiddler crabs

 It's coming back to me. Saw the Scale Key nest from three angles


No eagles home at the Atsena Otie nest




 Landed at 12:45
 Had lunch, back out at 2:30


 Only pictures of the Honeymoon Cottage I got all weekend.
 Decided to let the wind work with me. Came  about.
 Always calm in the Number 2 Channel


All the shorebirds, living life in peace

 Cemetery Point



Landed at 5

 Another peace sign

Selection Sunday. At the Big Deck. 

 Good duo.  Played a lot of my favorites

Grouper and shrimp.  Had to find my Facebook post to see what the non-shrimp was.

 Time, wiping a tear, to go.

Sunset stop at the Number 4 Bridge. My time stamps have an hour gap between the photo of the car in the parking lot at Cedar Key and the sunset pics.  I must have set the camera to daylight savings as it is a 4 mile drive

Can't wait to be back.  And as it is taken almost a month to complete this Tale, I will be back in a week from today.



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