Monday, March 9, 2015

Haulover Canal

With the arrival of Daylight Savings, I have the opportunity to kayak after work.
Time stamp on the first photo is 4:19. Has to be 5:19. I was able to get to Haulover Canal early but not that early.  Still had not adjusted the time to DST.  My job had an event where we could play games, and win money, on company time.  Kayaking and my time is worth more than any sums I may have won, so I left.

Usual paddle out to Mullet Head Island

There were roseate spoonbills
 Brown pelicans


 Great egrets

 Great blue heron
 Snowy egret, great egret, great blue heron





 White pelicans


 Paddled away from Mullet Head

 Side canal

 Haulover Canal

Dolphin towards the end of the Canal, through the gap in the north side

Wanta see it again?





This made me happy I put in at Bair's Cove


Landed at 7:47, and thought, why don't I  do this more often?  Paddle after work.  I then remembered summer thunderstorms. That is why.  Need to take advantage of the weather and long days while I can.

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