Saturday, March 21, 2015

Key West and Cudjoe Key

 Guest room at Camila and Evan's.

 The outside is pretty nice. ;)

New dock.  I did know it at the time, but a new boat arrived a couple weeks later.

Good place to  be

 Some quality time with the great nephews.
No Uncle, no matter how great, is a match for cartoons
 My plan to launch the kayak at the end of Blimp Road on Cudjoe Key was stymied. Was going to write thwarted,  but that one be for a canoe.
 So, I put in at the side of the road




Camera in the water


Landed at 12:30
 The place also had a Bear flag.  I did not unfurl it.
I think Evan worked here, years ago. I went in, but was not intrigued by the menu. No Cubans.
 Went looking for family. My sister's 6 siblings were staying in 5 different places. That's how we get along.  I forget where this is. Santa Marina, maybe.
 I ran into, well almost, brother Pat, backing out of a parking lot next to another hotel.  He said people were at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park.
 The Park has beer,
And, Cubans.

 There are two rock islands just off the beach.  The stripped fish are sergeant majors.

To Camila and Evan's to shower and change for the wedding.  Beautiful setting for the ceremony and reception.  My camera did not have a battery.  If you are a friend of Monica and Bill, you have seen plenty of photos.

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