Saturday, April 18, 2015

Silver River and more

Had to stop at a gas station for coffee on the way to Rays Wayside.  None in my Mill Dam Lake Resort cabin.  Hopefully I will remember that when I return for Memorial weekend. Which as I write, is 10 days away.
 On the canal headed to the Silver River at 7:13 AM
Just a stoopid cat.

Paddling up the Silver River


Wood storks

 Wood ducks


I'm posting these anhinga pictures, a month after I took them.  Several pictures, not posted. Blocked by branches.  Thinking, why was I taking the pics?   Oh, yeah, one was mounting the other.
 First gator of the morning.  Before the first turtle



Entering the Fort King Waterway

The Waterway once was only traveled by theme park boats. Since the State took over a couple years ago,  it is open to paddlers.  The only drawback, you can now launch your kayak here, which increases the crowds.

 Great blue heron nest

Example of the crowds.  At the main spring.

 One of the down River springs


 Mother and wood duck chicks



 Moor hen

 Main Spring to just up River of the canal to Rays Wayside


I continued down the Silver River

 To the Ocklawaha River


 Back to the Silver. Note the dark water under the kayak.  That's the Ocklawaha.  The clear water is the Silver.


Landed at 12:33. Stopped at Winn Dixie for charcoal and coffee

Back at Mill Dam Lake
As I write on May 17, 2015, I have dos Dos Equis in the fridg left from this 12 pack.
 Went to Juniper Springs.  Thinking, at 6 PM it would not be crowded.

 It was crowded, so just a couple pictures from snorkeling


 Not sure why the canoe/kayak launch was blocked off. If it is because it is past the time to launch and have the shuttle service you up, that is just wrong.  What if I want to go down and back?  Or, have my own shuttle?

 Juniper Run
 Fern Hammock Springs


 Not fooling around. "Protect Your Life"  I have yet to see a gator here.

Super Turtle!

 To Juniper Wayside for a quick paddle

 A peak at Sweetwater Spring.   Have my name in for the lottery. Along with one of my sisters and brother in law.


 High banks. A rare sight south of the Panhandle


 Landed at 8.

Ready to head back to the Mill Dam Lake Resort at 8:15



1 comment:

  1. Heck of pic for the opening!!! Looking forward the rest of it.


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