Sunday, May 10, 2015

Camping Weekend, Seminole State Forest

Getting a bit late for Florida camping, but when the Moccasin Spring site in the Seminole State Forest is available on a Saturday, I take it.
 At the forest gate, 8:43.  Stopped at Home Depot for firewood, which did not have any.
 Locking the gate behind me, I was on my way.
 Darn traffic
Trail to the campsite, 8:56
Moccasin Spring
 Tent up, in the kayak at 9:34

Headed down Blackwater Creek

Day use launch site

I think that is a gator going under. Not much traffic on Blackwater Creek, so they are skittish





 A few gators did not leap into the Creek on my approach.



On the Wekiva River



 St. Johns River. Just for a moment before turning around. To many fast boats.  And, I had been paddling for 3.5 hours.  With the up River and Creek paddle to come.



 Arrival at Blackwater Creek




Perhaps the last belted kingfisher of the season

 Nice people cleared away a downed tree.  I had to get out of my kayak in the morning.

 Landed at
Fire for dinner
Fire for fun
Simple camp cooking.  Pre-cooked the brat at home. Publix potato salad
 Moccasin Spring
 Drove to the hunter check station.  Power to charge batteries.  And, solved my firewood problems.  I had picked up a soggy log at my usual break spot on Blackwater Creek

New concrete and a memorial since I was last here.  Honoring a man who helped disabled hunters 


 Back to the site, went for a short bike ride
No one at the Oaks site. I camped here in the fall.


 Fire in the sky

Fire in the pit.  Had my usual sleepless camping night.  I did dream, so I dosed off sometime. The good thing is, my world was not spinning. Had my first experience with vertigo back in October.
 Turtle in Moccasin Spring, 6:39 AM

 Set of for a bike ride a little before 8
 Got off and walked on a horse trail.


Palm Springs

Palm Spring is at the bottom of a hill. Yes, a hill.

Back in the saddle

 Florida Trail campsite

 Tooth, or stone?
 Someday, I'll see a large mammal here. There is always poop.

Back home. Above, and below.
Headed up Blackwater Creek


 Did not make it very far


 Kept paddling past the campsite


 As you can see by the bridge, I had turned around.


 Landed at 11:32.  The opening photo of this Tale.  Had a bite toe eat, then slowly broke camp.
 A few trips back and forth to the car
 Think I got everything
 Last look at Moccasin Spring
12:45 loaded and ready to go
Blackwater Creek from the bridge

Bear Pond.  Taken after I put the weekend's trash in a receptacle.

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