Thursday, May 28, 2015

Cedar Key

Tuesday, after Memorial Day, sunrise.

 New signs
 One for safety
 I guess this is for safety, too.  Don't want launching boaters running over kayaks.





To my suite for breakfast, than on the water at 9:30

Very windy on the Gulf, so I went to the Number 4 Bridge.


 Explored some areas I have not been to before. As the tide was in and I was not concerned about having enough daylight.    I usually paddle here on a quick stop, arriving late in the day, after work.





 To the other side of the bridge



Landed at 11:40.
 Lawless Canadians.  Its a pier, not a road.


 The research facility is on the road to the Number 4 Bridge

 The other rental concession in town.  At the Number 3 Bridge.  Wanted to ask what they charge to launch. No one was in.
Back at 331
Views from the balcony

 Lunch.  A bit of stone crab with ham and cheese

Back out on a calm Gulf for an afternoon paddle


 Atena Otie Key


 Empty bald eagle nest

 Young eagle that left the nest



 Has to be an injury.  Or else this pelican had the same pose it had 2 hours ago

I talked to Jed at the beach rental concession.  He said he had not seen me for a while. I asked where he had been.  Launching people near the Airport Road Bridge to get out of the wind.
 I checked it out for the day's third excursion


  A complete rainbow

 I was only able to get one end at a time



 You are seeing this view twice, because seeing where the sun would set,  I paddled back the way I came.
 Then came back to be in position for sunset

 A bit cloudy, but now I know where to go for sunsets this time of year


Dark when I landed
 Airport road bridge is down to one lane.  Most towns would have a temporary stop and go light, or maybe, a flag man.  Not Cedar Key.   People know how to take turns.  Although, I was the only vehicle.

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