Sunday, May 3, 2015

Myakka River State Park

 Morning view of the marina outside my door
On to Myakka River State Park. Got a Wilderness Permit, and new State Parks Annual Pass. Then, drove to the concession area on Upper Myakka Lake.  Took the kayak off the car and carted it to the dam area.  The gate is new.  Too many people ignoring the keep off the dam sign.  Idiots.
 Drove to the Park Road Bridge, biked back to my kayak at the dam.
Final yards to the River

 On the water at 10:15
Shortly down River from the dam, there are two channels.  Think I  should have taken the narrower one.  Would have been deeper.  Had to take a part the paddle and push several times.

 It got deeper.


Canopy Walkway tower



 Park Road Bridge

 Alligators of all sizes


 Glossy ibis with plain old ibis. Some of which are new/young...not yet all white

 Mama limpkin and chick


 All this, before I was in the Wilderness
 Which begins on the other side of the bridge



Into Lower Myakka Lake
Welcoming committee

 Surprised to see a white pelican this far south, this late.

 Rosette spoonbills and glossy ibis.


 At Deep Hole, on the south end of the Lake. Opening photo taken here.


Headed back across the Lake

 More white pelicans at the north end of Lower Myakka Lake

Back on the River



 Leaving the Wilderness Preserve
But not the wildlife



Landed at 4:15
 Deer from the Park Road as I drove to the concession area  Had to get my bike
 And, eat.
Had to go to my Facebook post to see what this was as I compose on June 4, 2015.  Gator stew and a Florida microbrew.  Two Henrys.  After railroad magnates, Plant and Flagler.
 On some of my weekend adventures, I will bring a bike and not ride it. At Myakka River State Park, I bring two, and ride both. Road bike for the car-bike shuttle.
 Off road bike, for, well, you know.


 Next stop, Canopy Walkway

This deer was outside the Park, on the side of State Road 72, as I headed back to my lodgings.

 The on site restaurant is the Bearded Clam

I had the Bearded Clam Bowl.  Needed more garlic bread to sop up the liquid.

 A little Allman Brothers to take me home.

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