Sunday, May 24, 2015

Salt Springs Run and more

 Mill Dam Lake sunrise
 Salt Springs Run, 9:45


Nature Trail overlook
Picked the blue canvas out of the Run.

 Swallow tail kite

 There was a fair amount of boat traffic, it was a holiday weekend, after all.  But, Salt Run is wide, and I stayed off to the side.  Near Lake George, the channel narrows, and for a while is Slow Speed.  It goes back to Safe Operation, and was getting crowded, so I turned back

 Campers on a shell mound





 Trying to replicate Saturday's damsel fly photo.
 Moor hen and chicks




Silver Glen Springs is infamous for the huge crowds of boaters on summer holiday weekends.  Some of that spilled over to Salt Springs


Landed at 2:15
I was parked in an area behind a gate.  On the instructions of the rental concessionaire.
 In the morning, I was the second to last car in this area.
 On the way out, cars all along the sides of the dirt entrance road.

All the way to Highway 19.
 I headed to the Lake Eaton Sinkhole and trails.

A contrast from the crowds at Salt Springs.  One other car in the parking area.  I got on the trail ahead of them and their mutt.
 Not ahead of the spiders. Picked up a stick to hold in front of me to clear the many webs.

On a weekend I read the observation tower at Pennisula State Park in Door County was closed due to unsafe conditions, I thought it prudent to inspect the supports of the staircase down to the sink hole.

The sign states there are 183 steps.  I counted,  did not get that many. Even including steps on the path before the staircase.


Back in the car.
Where, at this spot, a mother bear with 2 cubs crossed the road from right to left.
 Picked up another slab of ribs at Winn Dixie
After dinner paddle on Mill Dam Lake
Tadpoles at the National Forest Boat Ramp.  A gentleman was standing on the ramp, watching them.
 Chatty chap. Worked for Martin Marietta in the early days of the space program. At the Cape as rockets were blowing up shortly after launch. Later, lead 3 different bass fishing organizations. Now says he owns thousands of acres of Bolivian land. I told him when I hear news of American investment in Bolivia, I'll think of the guy at the boat ramp.   An only in Florida moment.





 I was not the last one on the Lake

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