Sunday, May 17, 2015

Wekiva River, Blackwater Creek, Lake Dora

This may be the first beer I have had in the kayak.  At a Blues fest, so it is allowed.

The first night of the Mount Dora Blues and Grove Festival was Friday.  So, I got to bed late.  And, was looking for a folding chair. Mine broke, Friday.   Hefty fella that I am, I cannot put all of my weight on one arm rest when getting up.  No chairs at Publix, or a nearby hardware store.  On the Wekiva River from Katies Landing at 10:42.
 As I usually do, a recent paddle to the Little Wekiva being the exception that proves the rule, I paddled down the Wekiva River.


 Another, newer, "usual".  The alternate channel Luis told me about a few months ago.





 Blackwater Creek






Blackwater Creek alternate exit


Landed at 3:50. A Dollar General on the way to Mount Dora had folding chairs.  All the same light weight design as the one I broke.  I'll be careful until I get a fat man's chair.  One other problem. The sleeve used for carrying is tight and not opaque.  An observant person could see I had two Miller Lites.  I had sure I turned it towards my body when passing police officers and ticket takers. Glad I kept the broken chair sleeve.  Plenty of room for a couple of beers and frozen water to keep them cool
 And, you cannot read label through the American flag design.
 Lake Dora
I  heard the first band, Jeff Howell, as I walked in.  This is Paul Stott
 You can't see Mr. Stott, he is the guitar player

 Great location for a festival.
Checking the Yak Dave Mobile between sets

 Next up, The Pitbull of Blues
 The Bull is a pup. His dad is the bass player
They were good, but, I was on a lake, with my kayak, and sunset was approaching
 All signs said get on the water. So, I did.

Yes, that is banjo music
 My zoom works well
 This is about how it would be with the naked eye.

 Back to guitar




If there are canons, I will take a picture.
 Landed at 8:20
A big chair to fill in the blues world with the loss of B.B. King
Next performer, Buddy Blue
 John Mayall


 When I'm over 80, I want to be John Mayall
I have a lot more video.  Someday, if I ever catch up on the one month Yak Tales backlog, I may add them. Several, plus some from Friday night, are on my Facebook page.



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