Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Cedar Key, Snake Key

Sunrise, 6:32 AM



As I write on July 27, I assume I tried to go back to sleep, failed, ate breakfast, posted photos, and was in the kayak at

 Out to Astena Otie Key

Empty nest


 Dolphins splash as I paddled to Snake Creek

From off shore, I could see white in the green of the key.  Egrets and ibis, I assumed.
 Closer, those are magnificent frigate birds!

 An unexpected treat

I have only seen magnificent frigate birds roosting at Seahorse Key.  Never at Snake.

The sad thing is, the frigate birds, and many others have left Seahorse Key. No one knows why.



Not just frigate birds
Great egrets
 Brown  pelican
another video

Reddish egeret

 Even a roseate spoonbill
 Seahorse Key in the distance


 Snake Key is split in two parts by a channel.  A favorite place for tri colored herons


 A juvenile blue heron got into tri colored alley.



 Research camera.  Several are set up around Snake Key





One of only a few adult males I saw with a red pouch.  When ready to mate, it gets puffed out.



Paddling away from Snake Key.  An article about the birds leaving Seahorse Key.


Atsena Otie Key dock




Landed at 11:50.
In time for the daily bell concert  with bird accompaniment, and wood plank bass.
 Lunch, back out at 5 past 2.
 Return to the Number 2 Channel
 To look for spoonbills



 Visitor from Snake Key


Cemetery Point cemetery.



 Cedar Key skyline






Landed at 4:45
 Back out at 7:20

One theory for the birds leaving Seahorse Key is military flyovers
 This chopper was doing touch and go take offs and landings at the air field.  I had launched at Airport Road.
 Snake Key in the distance.



Stopped at a local bar for sunset





Sunset was just after 8:30

 The low tide made things a bit worrisome as I paddled back to my car.  But, I managed to avoid the oyster shells and landed at 8:51.  And then walked across the mud to the car.


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