Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Cedar Key

Just missed the sunrise.
 6:36 am was too late on June 15, 2015
For some reason I was not on the water until 10 AM

 Number 2 Channel



 Cemetery Point. Wondering why red pines.



 Number 3 Bridge



 Kayaking around Scale Key

 Seeing the grapes reminds me I saw a couple sea turtles as I re-entered the Gulf.
 For a moment I thought, wonder if I toss the grapes on the water, will the turtles go after them, and I can get a picture?  But, that would be wrong.  Besides, I was hungry.


 Back in the Number 2 Channel to look for
Roseate spoonbills














 Just the spar of the wreck above the surface of the Number 2 Channel

Landed at 1:55.
Back on the water at 4:45

 Dolphin. Squint. You may see it.


 Yellow crowned night heron

 The wreck, almost completely underwater a few hours ago, now exposed.

 Turned back at Cemetery Point





Landed at 6:40
 Went for a beer run

More like an amble.





 8:20, bike ride.

To the airfield




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