Saturday, July 18, 2015

Gum Slough

I had an exchange on the Protect Gum Slough site with a gentleman who says he uses his air boat to clean up Gum Slough.  It may be true, as his last name is the same as the family that owns the land around the main spring.  It was time for me to make another visit.
 On the Withlacoochee River from the end of Turner Camp Road at 6:30 AM
Too early for non blurry photos

 First dragon of the day.

 Indian Mound at Potts Preserve.  Across from the mouth of Gum Slough

Gum Slough
 Tram posts

Getting clearer as I paddle up Slough.

 Barred owl

 The only house on the Slough until you get to the source.


As with most Florida spring feed waterways, there are areas where the tree canopy opens into marsh like vegetation

An in Slough spring


When the Slough is low, it can be a struggle getting up the final section. Limestone formations rising from the bed can scrape the kayak. No issues today. Water was high enough to paddle into one of the two spring areas that are the sources of Gum Slough. One is the one with houses, the other is reached up a short run.

 I snorkeled




 Leaving the springs



Got out of the kayak and snorkeled two more springs




 Hand over the side




Stream flow gauge








Around each bend, another beautiful scene. 

Not a spring. Just a clear, shallow area of  Gum Slough.

 Back on the Withlacoochee
 Dean's family needs to clean up.

More trash

Not a comment on anyone's beliefs. I just think Jesus would not like his cross nailed to another living thing. Put it on your wall at home.

 Landed at 1:45.  Got the kayak on the car just before the skies opened up.

Citrus County Courthouse, Inverness.


  1. This is one place I want to visit but always overlook. Looks like the perfect place for kayaking and snorkeling.

  2. Best to snorkel alone. The springs are small.


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