Saturday, August 8, 2015

Haulover Canal

8225 Haulover Canal, on a Friday, after work.
Launching from the back side of  Bair's Cove at 5:37 PM


Manatee hater
 What happens when the manatee gets acclimated to being given water and food?  And comes, thirsty, to the source.  Which is not there.  And being accustomed to being watered and fed, does not know where to find food and water.  It dies.






Straggler? Early bird? Never left?  Most white pelicans are up north this time of year.

Circling Mullet Head Island









 The hoi poli preparing for a Bioluminescence tour.  This is why I launch at Bair's Cove on late summer afternoons.








Copied from my Facebook page after I got home
 dinoflagellates. The last being the creatures that create bioluminescence. My blades looked like the were on fire. In one part of the canal, bait fish scattered, glowing, with each dip of the paddle. Mullet passed by, glowing streaks betraying their presence. A great 3.5 hour paddle. A dolphin, not the one pictured, almost hit me head on. Rose out of the water and swerved at the last instant. Had two more vehicle-mammal close calls. The deer was a closer than the raccoon. Had to swerve to avoid the former as it crossed the road just east of the Black Point Wildlife Drive exit in the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Only drawback to tonight's paddle was it was to choppy and cloudy on the Indian River to catch the sunset

I landed at 9:05

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