Sunday, November 1, 2015


Good thing I let my brother use the other camera, or this Tale would have no pictures.
 I will get to why I was in the water. Out of the kayak



When we were out in the Wulfert Keys, Pete says he saw a flamingo in flight.   I asked if he was sure it was not a roseate spoonbill.  He said it was a flamingo.  I missed it.
 I had photos of two white pelican flocks in flight
We were coming back to the launch site.  I wanted to take the long way, have the tide rushing under Wildlife Drive push us out into the "lakes".    Pete was ready to call it a day.
Indecision is not good when approaching fast water.
 Nor is inattention. I was filming Pete as he entered the current.  Soon, I was in it.  Too close to the bridge as it whipped through.  Suddenly, I was sideways, off balance, and you see the result.
I swam, more pushed by the current into the mangroves.  Shallow enough to stand. Tossed the camera hanging from my neck over my shoulder in an attempt to get it out of the water.  Somewhere, sometime, somehow, it got away.  As did my hat.  And glasses.  The lanyard I use when kayaking still dangling around my neck.  I righted the kayak, bailed as much as I could, and got in.  We took the scenic route, after all.

 Lunch at,
 In my George Costanza voice
 Back to SIBC


 Snowy egrets at the fishing pier




 Back to the Refuge
White pelicans from the car

 Used the Pungo.  Wider, a bit more stable as I paddled to the capsize zone
 Speaking of cap
Found it.  But not camera or glasses.  I had a spare pair of specs in the car.  Just for this situation. As of Jan. 13, I have yet to get another pair.



Landed, loaded the kayak on the car, and headed home.  And thought of being back in 6 weeks.

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