Sunday, January 31, 2016

Hillsborough River

With Special Guest Kayaker, Steve R.
We launched at Morris Bridge Park.  After a bad start to the day. One of the 2 growlers from Two Henrys fell off the counter in the hotel room and broke.  Fortunately, it was about half full as we had sampled some, Saturday night.

 Up the Hillsborough River

 Red shouldered hawk
 Great egret


Tri colored  heron

 Vultures near Sargent Park
Where we landed

Lunch on the dock overlooking the confluence of the Hillsborough and Flint Rivers

Back on the water.  Down stream to Morris Bridge

Swamp lily

 Alligator safety tip.
 Always put the other kayaker between you and the gator.

 Wood stork

 Blue heron. It will turn blue as it matures.

 Pie billed grebe

Adult blue heron

 A big'un

A rainy winter. High water covers a hiking trail

 Great blue heron, above.

Landed at Morris Bridge just after 1. Plenty of time to get Steve to his hotel on International Drive.

Never, never assume a smooth drive on I-4.  But, I do think Steve made it to his meeting.  If he was able to unpack, and take a leisurely shower,well, he can comment on that should he choose. 

5281 mtc

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