Saturday, June 25, 2016

Cedar Key Saturday

Dolphins off Cemetery Point during the third paddle of the day.
 But first, sunrise photos

 Unlike these folks, I was not in my kayak

 7:58, in the kayak. Launching from Airport Road

The City of Cedar Key is on Way Key, which is part of the Cedar Keys.  I have circumnavigated Way Key, Scale Key, Dog Island, Atesna Otie Key, Snake Key, and Seahorse Key.  Have never paddled to North Key.  That was the plan, this morning.
North Key
I did not make it.  Past Piney Point, the seas were rough.  After water came into my kayak for the third time, I turned around.   The Hawaii 5-0 theme in my head as I surfed back to the calm waters on the lee side of Piney Point

If wasn't THAT windy

 Classic Cedar Key cottages

 Landed after 2.5 hours. Landed kayak, not airplane.
 A few hours later, back on the water.

The island past Scale Key
I landed.

Walked about

May be time to get back in the kayak

Magnificent figgin, I mean frigate, bird

Not a dorsal fin. The iconic wreck in the Number 2 Channel

Landed at 4:30

 Launched at 6:45

If roseate spoonbills photos aren't enough, here is video


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