Thursday, August 18, 2016

Little Spider Lake, Day Six

Morning on Little Spider Lake.  The A-frame came with this kayak.  Kept Pete's on the car for road trips.

Off to Little St. Germain Lake to see cousin Courtney and family

Wisconsin River

Thinking, this had to be the spot where Aunt Carol wiped out, last year.
Off we go. There was a bike, and helmet, for me. The latter would prove essential
Wisconsin bike trails have hills.  On one, I could not shift to a lower gear.  Forward momentum stopped.   I fell.  Left knee hit, scrapped it pretty good.  Then, the back of my headed bounced off the asphalt.  Good thing I was wearing a helmet.
Aunt Carol also fell.  We decided to head back to the cottage and forgo the bloody marys at the destination the rest of the peleton was pedaling to

 I had took some aspirin and waited for my head to clear
Swam out to a raft, then got in a kayak


 Chipmunk.  Not seen in Florida.
 The guy in orange is not a relative. His boat.  Courtney, in blue, is.

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