Sunday, September 11, 2016

Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge

Madere Marsh

When I was in New Orleans for the Courtney and Austin wedding in May, 2016, I did not kayak while in Louisiana.  I did not make that mistake for Ashley and Daniel's nuptials.
The Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge is east of the Big Easy

 Some pre paddle exploring

Where Popeye's gets its chicken
 On the water

My first out of Florida spoonbill

Lots of birds

Black necked stilts

Glossy ibis and black necked stilt

 Black bellied whistling ducks

Saw a gator or two. That's a log.  I think.

Good night America, how are you?

 See the mud on the bow?  Tide went out.  I ran aground.  Or, rather, amud.  Or, ran amuck.  I do not think I have ever sank so deep.   Mid thigh, at least as I walked the kayak to floatable water.
Landed in plenty of time to make it to the wedding.  Shower at the hotel, still on time.  Drive to City Park.  Took a wrong exit.  Back on track.  City Park is huge.  Pre wedding thunderstorm knocked down a live oak.  In the road.  Another detour.  Made it to the church on time.  Just as Ashley and Daniel said, "I do"
 Reception site, also in New Orleans City Park. We paraded from the ceremony location
 There was another cake
My sister, the bride, and her father
 Sister wants to dance with her hubby.  And another sister.
Great Aunt Del watches it all.

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