Saturday, October 22, 2016

Wekiva River and Blackwater Creek

On the water at 12:57.  On a Saturday, which means I worked in the morning
 From Katie's Landing
Down the Wekiva River on the alternate channel

Quite the gathering of great egrets and ibis near the mouth of Blackwater Creek

Blackwater Creek

The usual break spot, above.

Back on the Wekiva

Great blue heron

 A first visit to the closest brewery to my home.  Deadly Sins in Winter Park

 I wonder it this could get Jan Eric Dyke, aka "Swede" to visit Florida.

I forget the price of the growler fill, but it was the most expensive one I ever had.  Which stopped be from going back to Deadly Sins for a while.  I am posting this on June, 19, 2018.  I have been back, and this time asked for prices before purchasing. 

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