Sunday, November 6, 2016

Blue Spring Park, Santa Fe River

 I think this was the first time entering Blue Spring Park, in Gilchrist County, by land.  Always came in from the Santa Fe River, as in the opening photo.

Never landed, as it had a $10 entry fee. I decided to splurge, this November Sunday
 Plenty of deer on the drive in.
 My first time seeing Naked Spring

Johnson Spring

Blue Spring

A dip in Little Blue Spring
Not much to see.  Dark water.
 A different story in Blue Spring

Kayaking down the spring run

To the Santa Fe River

One of the many springs along the Santa Fe in the Ginnie Springs campground

Another spring

The springs have names, but writing almost two years later, I do not recall which is which,

Rum Spring

Back to Blue

Naked Spring Run, Blocked.



  1. Nice pic Dave! I don't believe I have ever seen Santa Fe Blue so empty.


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