Friday, December 16, 2016

Sanibel, Friday

Another pre-dawn walk

Sun rose at 7:08


 Friends on the beach
 Guess which are from Minnesota, and which are from Florida

My bike lock.  Forgot it a year ago.  I think I tried to unlock it on the fall visit with Pete and Jackie.  Would not budge.  This time, Pat suggested I oil it.  Chain oil freed it up. So, the Master Lock from 1974, still works.

Wildlife Drive, in the Refuge is closed on Fridays.   We went to Bunche Beach


I think we did not launch at Tarpon Bay, due to wind.

Bunche Beach has open water, the beach part, but also protected paddling through mangroves

Almost 2 hours on the water
View from the restroom

 Back on the beach

And so ends another day in Paradise.


  1. Now that is a cutie for sure. Just scrolling through blogs and ran across yours. I am a photographer so I love looking at pictures. Thanks for sharing.


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