Saturday, January 21, 2017


Coming out of Seven Sisters.  Snorkled Snapper Hole and Ruth Springs. Paddled the Chas, Potter Creek, Ruth Run, Salt Creek, and Crab Creek
 On the Chass, and over Chassahowitzka Spring, at 7:10

Leaving Seven Sisters, approaching Chasahowitzka Spring

Manatees at Snapper Hole

Dog Island

Satellite tracker.  Tied to a manatee's fluke.

Potter Creek

Ruth Springs Run

Ruth Springs

Salt Creek

 Crab Creek Springs

 Landed just after 3.  Giving an otter the right of way

Post paddle refreshments.

 As I had a flight, this must have been my first time at Marker 48.  I do recall asking what Marker it refers to. One on the Homosasa River

 You are getting a lot of food when it comes in 2 packages

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