Monday, May 29, 2017

Cedar Key, Seahorse Key

Cormorants for scale to show the highest point on Florida's west coast.
A snowy egret sees me off at 9:10

Memorial Day, 2017

Least tern nesting platform on the Atsena Otie Key pier

Seahorse Key, my destination.
Grassy Key

2 years after the birds disappearing from Seahorse Key

The birds were coming back.

Back at the Atsena Otie dock

Least tern


Cannon, Cannon, and Canon (camera)

Bike ride

Paying my respects on Memorial Day.
No relation. Just like Cannon paddles and Canon cameras.

More family

Back in the kayak at 5:55

Prow of the wreck in the Number 2 Channel

Landing at Cemetery Point Park.  Writing in December, 2019, I do not remember the landing mat.  And I have been here several times since May, 2017.

More than the prow of the wreck showing, as the tide goes out.

Old Glory flies on all patriotic holidays in Cedar Key.

Landed at 8:18


  1. Dave, We are going to Cedar Key next week and have an interest in paddling to Seahorse Key. We have paddled from Tarpon Springs to Anclote Key a couple times,(3 miles)with no problem. Would your recommend this paddle for us?

  2. Having just done the Anclote Key paddle once, I can't recall how it compares, but you should not have any problem. Of course, don't trust the forecast. Get out on the water and judge for yourself. If too rough, there are sheltered options in the interior of Way Key. If doing that, be aware of the tide. Major fluctuations, and oyster beds are not a paddler's friend


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