Saturday, May 13, 2017

Hillsborough River, Saturday

After a quality breakfast at the Quality Inn, it was off to Trout Creek Park on the Hillsbrrough River
Underway at 7:35 AM

Paddling up River
First alligator of the day

Morris Bridge

End of the line for me

Lunch break at John Sargent Park

Back on the water at noon, for the down River paddle

Soft shelled turtle
The are hard to capture.   Do not stay out of the water for long,

Boats at Nature's Classroom. All Hillsborough County School kids spend time here.

 Back at Trout Creek Park
 Trout Creek

Landed at 4:50

 Cigar City Brewing.  I like their beers, but the service was non-existent.  I left without having anything.  Shocking, I know
 Sail Honeymoon?
 Those do look like the buildings just before Honeymoon Island State Park.  Writing 30 months after I was there.

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