Monday, July 24, 2017

Cedar Key, with a stop at Levy Blue Spring

Sunrise from the patio, Mill Dam Lake 6:44 AM Sunday, July 23, 2017

Black bellied whistling ducks

Sandhill cranes

Left Mill Dam Lake, arrived at Levy Blue Spring at 11:05


11:45 on the way to Cedar Key
Cedar Key Scrub State Reserve
As there are no other photos, it may have been just a bathroom stop
City Park, Cedar Key
Waiting for the wind to subside
It did not, so I left and launched near the Cedar Key State Museum
High tide
A lot more protected from the wind here.  It did rain


Sure were a lot of roseate spoonbills.  He writes, in April, 2020.

As I write this on April 22, 2020, Cedar Key is closed to outsiders.


I have kayaked here before, and since, but never saw so many spoonbills.

A bit of a carry to the car.

Lunch at Steamers. Or, maybe it was dinner

Not just mac and cheese
Lobster mac and cheese

Calm now.  Time to paddle the Gulf

The Island Room. Rebuilding after Hurricane Hermine in 2016

Spoonbills in the Number 2 Channel

Landed at 7:24

Headed back for one more night at the Mill Dam Lake Resort

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