Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Minnehaha

I almost did not paddle today. My tires are losing air. So no kayak on top of the car this morning when I went to work. Stopped at a gas station to fill the one that appeared lowest. Warning light still on. After work, with more time, checked and filled all. Warning light went off. Came home, put the kayak on the car. Figured I could get an hour in on Lake Maitland. Unloaded the kayak at Fort Maitland Park. Went to the back seat for the camera in the backpack. No back pack. Left it at home. That is what happens when the morning routine is altered. Fortunately, I did put my little phone in my pocket. Something not always a matter of routine. The photos are from it. No zoom.   Posted them on Facebook, via the phone, then copied to the lap top.  Note to the future. "Dave, these are in the folder labeled, 4-16-19 on your desktop"

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