Sunday, November 24, 2019


 Very high tide as I entered the Homosassa River at 8:14 AM.  The dock, right, usually is not just a couple inches above the water line.
Paddling up the Homosassa River
Monkeys placed on an island across from a restaurant.
Unlike the ones on the Silver River, they can't swim.  Yet.

There are several small springs near the start of the Homosassa.

 With a trip to the Keys for Thanksgiving (Marine Forecast dependent) coming up, I thought, "what do you call mangrove snapper when there are no mangroves"   Got the answer, later.  Grey snapper.

 My camera was acting funky, not always clicking when I depressed the shutter, or I would have more and better manatee pics.  The high tide made it too deep to get out of the kayak and snorkel.

A creek on the north side of the River I had not explored before
A narrow boardwalk, with gaps.  Reminds me of the one at my sister's friend's property on Sanibel Island.

The new bridge across the Halls River is finally finished.
Wind, tide, and current in my face, I turned around.

Landed at 12:40
Cars are not in puddle. They are in the River
The Shed at MacRae's
Chili in the cup.

The Fishbowl at Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park

I told myself  I would not take a lot of pictures. Ha!

Schooling snook from inside the Fishbowl
Back outside. Manatee in front of a volunteer's kayak.
Gray snapper.  I signed IDed them.  "Mangrove, or gray snapper"

Funny looking manatee

Wisconsin connection with the whooping crane.

The roseate spoonbill below is outside the enclosure.

In 1989, the Park went to State ownership.  All non-native animals were removed.  Almost all.   People wanted Lulu the hippo to stay.  Governor Chiles made her an honorary citizen in 1991, and she has remained at the Park.

The Park has two sections.  You can get from one to the other by foot, tram, or boat.
My car was not at the other section, but why pass up a boat ride?

It was the last boat of the day, I took a tram back.

Citrus County Courthouse.

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