Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Alexander Springs and Creek and Silver Glen Spring, Run, Lake George and more

Had to check the Yak Tales archives to check if I have ever seen manatees in Silver Glen Run.  One time, no pictures.
 As usual on the 1st, I was ready to buy my Spring Hoppers Pass.  For $60, may have gone up to $65 last year, it provides access to 6 fee based areas on the Ocala National Forest. But, a new company is taking over the management of Alexander Springs, Juniper Springs, and Silver Glen Springs.  The changeover does not happen until March. The worker was not sure if and how passes would be honored.  I thought of backing out, and driving to the bridge over the creek and launching for free, but I handed over a bill, got change, and drove in
 The temperature had not yet reached 50, so I decided I would kayak before swimming.

It had been awhile since I saw a bald eagle near the County Road 445 Bridge

Less than an hour downstream to the bridge.  I continued, past it, for a short time.

Saw one alligator.  Slid off its log before I got a photo.

Landed at 10:35

Into Alexander Spring

From Alexander Springs, above, to Silver Glen Spings, below.  I asked the lady at the little store about both the new management company and an anti erosion project just begun at Silver Glen. She let me in for free.
Anti-erosion project at Silver Glen. I asked an American Land and Leisure employee, (soon to have a new company signing his paycheck, but that's a whole nother story) about the changes at Silver Glen, first noted on Spring Hunters by Sandra Friend, yesterday..
It is an erosion control project. He said the palms were cut away as part of it. Did not get into why. They are still lying on the ground due to the holiday work schedule. They will be cleared away. New plants will be placed between the old fence and the new. The new fence will be the new border for Silver Glen Spring. The old one will be removed. I asked if concrete, ala Salt Springs, will be put in. "No! They will back the fence all the way to Highway 19 before that happens!
He seemed to know what he was talking about. A local guy, told me about a spring in the Forest I was not aware of.

A returning canoer told me manatees were in the Run.

They sure were, 8-10.

Short paddle to Lake George, the 2nd largest lake in Florida. Just  wide spot, 5 miles, on the St. Johns River

Back to Silver Glen Run

Dead end of a side creek.

No wake, assholes.

So cool to see so many manatees.  I think warm weather the last few days had them out in the River. The morning temps in the 40's had them in the warm waters of the Run

Landed at 3:40
Snorkeling Silver Glen Spring.

Looking into the Natural Well.  Entry not allowed.  Did not notice the turtle until now (10:30 PM 1-2-2020)

Spring boils

Across Highway 19, to the Yearling Trail.  

No deer, or srub jays.

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