Monday, January 27, 2020

Banana River

The poor saps on cruise ships don't see wildlife like this.
 I have not seen a rocket launch from the kayak for a long time.  June 15, 2016!?! if my research in the archives is accurate. I have seen launches since then, but from land. Finally, one was re-scheduled  for 9:49 AM on a Monday.  As I do not work until 12:30 Mondays, I could get out to KARS Park on the Banana River, see it, and get to work on time.
 I was on the water at 8:52.  Would have been earlier, but I could not find the kayak launch.  It used to be just a spot on the bank, marked by posts on the ground indicating where to park.  Since my last visit to KARS Park, riprap has been placed along the bank, and stones on the first 10 feet or so to better support RVs.  I drove to the end of the road to what appeared to be a parking area.  Two wood beams on the ground. I did not see a place to launch, without stepping over the rocks. Drove back to the guardhouse.  The attendant said there is an opening.  I drove back, did not see it.  I lifted to kayak over the rocks and began to paddle.

 I was not sure which of the many towers was the Falcon 9 launch tower.  Post paddle research, I am pretty sure it is the black toothbrush shape.

 About ten minutes before lift off, I got on line to check on launch status.  Scrubbed due to unfavorable upper level winds.

 Pretty nice down here.


 Cruise ships at Port Canaveral

 The riprap
 There is a launch spot!

 The docks in the boat basin are new since my last visit.  Too cool today for the manatees that are often here.

 The boat basin and channel is just outside the No Motor Zone

 Landed at 11:03. I saw one boat, outside the No Moor Zone, in my two plus hours on the Banana River.
Final photo, 11:26.  61 miles to work, clocked in at 12:38

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