Sunday, January 5, 2020

Ichetucknee River

 I wonder how many people ignore this yellow line, and walk to the edge of Naked Spring.  Part of the restoration effort
 Hiking trail signs are new.  The trail was there in the years Gilchrist Blue was a privately owned park.  There were signs.  I don't know if the State, or Hurricane Irma, removed them.  Probably both.
 The fuzzy pic is where at least 6 deer ran across the trail.

 I had thought, with Naked Spring closed, I may take a dip in Johnson Spring.
 But, it is also closed.

Aric the Giant

 Kiefer Spring
 Just a trickle

 Breakfast burrito

First, and only snorkel of a cool weekend

Deer as I left Gilchrist Blue Springs State Park
On the Ichetucknee River at 12:23

Not warm, footgear off to launch.

Coffee Springs

New sign at Devil's Eye Spring.  You used to be able to paddle into it.  The other springs. Mill, Grassy always had, No Entry signs. They now all have signs like this one.

End of the upstream paddle, 2 PM.  I did not get out on the dock. Just turned around and headed down River.

New launch for the tubers a Dampiers Landing. Replacing wood stairs and dock

Landed at 3:30

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