Sunday, January 19, 2020

Koreshan State Park to Sanibel

Trail to the bathroom
 That chore taken care of, I went to the River Trail

 There is a Farmers Market on Sundays at the Park
 Korean food vendor making me Vietnamese coffee.  Espresso with sweet condensed milk.  Home made condensed milk.  In a glass jar, not a can with Elsie the Cow.

 The coffee was pricey, $3.   The everything omelet, a bargain, $5.
Of course I asked, "What is everything" "Onions, mushrooms, tomato, spinach...ok, I guess I can go vegetarian..."cheese, ham, bacon, and sausage"  I probably forgot something.
 I bought some plums.
Someday, I will stay over on a Sunday, and grill fish at my campsite

 Had a sample of some bread.  I forget the fruit it was made with. But a tree with its small orange fruits were just outside the building.

This generator provided power for the community, with the excess being sold to other users.
 Messers. Fairbanks and Morse are two of the founders of Winter Park, Florida.  My fair city.

 The campground is called "Live Oak".  This one, near the restroom, is the only one I noticed.

I was chatting to some folks, when another guy, who I talked to at the Farmers Market, said, "Did you know the campsite next door also has a Runway Camper?"  I did not.
 Took a picture on my way out.  A Rouser.  Bigger, you can stand up in it.
One hour, 5 minutes later, I was Wildlife Drive in the Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island.

 On the water at 12:38

 To the islands across from the Wildlife Drive Observation Tower

It was windy, but not as bad as Saturday

 Secret spoonbill spot creek.  I saw one.  It flew away.

 Wulfert Keys

I saw a manatee in this area.  Could not get a picture.

 Landed at 4:05/
 Time was short, I walked to the Indigo Trail Observation Tower

 Blue winged teal


 I did not visit Sanibel's famed beaches, as I had a long drive ahead.  Stopped on the causeway for a few final photos.

Once again, I took the State Highways route back. 80 to 31 to 70 to 17.  Not a bad drive.  Bad reception in rural south central Florida for the NFC Championship game.  Which, as things turned out, was not a bad thing.

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