Friday, February 7, 2020

Santa Fe River

Day 1 of the Uncle Fred Memorial Weekend.
 My parent's generation is dwindled to a precious few. Two.  Headed to New Orleans to remember, support, and celebrate a well lived life.
 With a few stops on the way.   Got off work at 2.  Was thinking either the Silver, or Ichetucknee River.  Silver would give me more time on the water, Ich would get me to my destination for the evening, sooner.
 So, I went to the Ichetucknee.   Only to be told no one was allowed on the River after 5. Which is BS. It was just past 4:30.  I argued a bit, but the volunteer was nice, so I did not pursue it.

Drove back 10 miles the way I came and put in at the US 27 Bridge and paddled the Santa Fe.

Windier than heck.  Storm front moving in.  I paddled into the wind.

Turned around when it began to sprinkle.  I had not been sure if I was going up or down River, the wind was so strong.  I was sure after I turned around.  Just past some shoals, formed by limestone on the river bed.  Had to paddle hard to get past them.

 Not a good afternoon for wildlife photography

The darker You Are Here is one reason, the wind being the other, why I thought I was going up River.
I had not noticed the lighter, You Are Here, correction.

Here, as in where I am now is the home of Frances and Isaac Stone, in Marianna. 

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Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.