Saturday, February 29, 2020

Suwannee River, Manatee Springs State Park

Little Fanning Spring, above.  I arrived at Manatee Springs State Park a little after it opened at 8 AM.  I said, I think I am in site 36, is it available?  It was not.  I then gave my name, and said, I think I'm in 36, but I could be wrong.  I was.  I had site 34. Which was available.
Nice to have the trailer in place at 8:35.  Too bad the rental/shuttle concession did not open until 9.

Nice scenery while waiting. Had to wait until 9:30 for a second worker to come to run the concession while the first one drove me to Otter Springs.  We were just leaving, when I said, "Can't believe I have been here 90 minutes and have not seen a deer" "There's one" She said.

And, another.
Otter Springs is a privately owned and operated park.  I asked my driver if my $35 shuttle fee included the $3 admission charge.  She said she was taking me to the boat ramp. Which is downriver from the Park. I asked if she could take me to the Park. Yes.  Turns out, since I am 60, the entry fee was $2
In the water at 10:22

This was my 4 or 5th time paddling down Otter Springs Run to the Suwannee River

Entering the Suwannee

Into Little Otter Springs

Phone over the side pics. It was cool.  Not too cool to swim.  Too cool to swim, and paddle several hours in wet clothes.

Kayak reflection.

This is where the shuttle was going to take me.

Stashed boat

Camp Anderson.  I wondered if it had any connection to the concession, Anderson's Outdoor Adventures. Don't think so.  The Camp is a religious affiliated campground for youth.

Entering Cooper Spring.  This was just my second time on this part of the Suwannee.  First was 15 years ago,

I think the main vent is on the other side

You can see where the name "Cooper" comes from.

I paddled up a side run, hoping to find a spring.
Wanted to show the GPS showing I was not on the water.  Darn reflection.

Good thing I had the GPS, as I went the wrong way coming out of where I entered.  A patented Dave Extended Adventure. Extended by 15-20 minutes.  Would have been a lot longer without the GPS in the phone.

Safely back on the Suwannee.

I first saw this bridge in 2001.  Part of the Nature Coast Trial.  Repurposed railroad bridge. I was biking.

Most be from West Virginia

US 27

Arrived at Fanning Springs State Park at 2 PM.  About 6.5 miles from Otter Springs with my Cooper Springs detour.

Finally got in the water.

There were two manatees.  This one is huge

Changed in the Park restroom.

Manatee in the short run to the Suwannee

Little seep from the boardwalk

In the run

The run to Little Fanning Springs

The run to Little Fanning was full of beautiful vegetation, including red ludwiga.  I was going to try to get pictures on the way out.  To my dismay, I heard a motor.  Then saw it.  One of those noisy ones, with no cover to muffle the noise.  With a long, almost horizontal shaft.  Better for shallow water.  Why not paddle in, jerk?  The once clear run was now brown.  I was pissed.  It was one like this:

I had thought the weather forecast had the wind coming out of the north.  Great it will be at my back.  Turns out, it was coming from the northwest, and more west than north.  I was paddling into it much of the time during this part of the paddle.

Just missed a cormorant taking off


Looks like a navigable waterway to me.

Jumping sturgeon sign at a boat ramp

The paddle from Fanning Springs to Manatee Springs is 8.5 miles.  I had left Fanning at 3.  I had hoped to make to Manatee by 5:30.  The concession reportedly serves excellent barbque.  No way I would make it. Now the question was, would I make it before it got dark?

Manatee Springs Run

Landed at 6:30
Plan B for dinner. An Italian sausage
Moon on a cool night.  Coolest night, so far in my trailer. 35 at sunrise

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Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.