Sunday, March 8, 2020

Juniper Creek, Silver River, Friday, March 6

I am glad I called Juniper Springs on Thursday.  The change over in concessionaries, which I found out about on New Year's Day is affecting services, including shuttles.  As in , none is offered. 
So, instead of a down Creek paddle, I put in at Juniper Wayside and paddled up the Creek.
Under way at 8

Entrance to Sweetwater Spring

A deer

My phone buzzed.  I am sharing a cabin at Silver River State Park with Travis M. and Angel H.. Maybe they were checking in with me.  I pulled over to the left bank to check.  False alarm. No call or test. Behind me, I saw this:
The old gator resting on a log.  Only, that's not a log, its a deer.

Before I saw this deer, I saw a buck.

I wondered if I could portage past the rapids.
No trail, and I did not want to blaze one in the Wilderness, so I turned around

Sweetwater Spring
Friday is moving day at the Sweetwater Cabin. The prior week's guest have to leave at 9.  I was there at 9:45.  Bad timing, I thought, the cleaning crew is probably there.  I did not hear anything.  Hmm, should I sneak a swim?  A car door.  Two people came to the dock.  The new guests, I assumed.  I said Hi, and paddled out

The gator had not moved. The photo is out of place, should be before Sweetwater

Landed at 10
 Juniper, Part 2.  The person at the entrance station let me in free, as I had last year's Spring Hopper Pass.  I told her I would be paddling down the Creek for awhile, then back. "It is only one way"  "No one will be on the water, I won't tell if you won't tell"
On the water again at 10:57

Fern Hammock Run entrance

Saw another deer. No photo

Into the Juniper Prairie Wilderness

Fern Hammock, again.  Paddling back up Juniper Creek

Sand boils

Landed at 12:30
Into Juniper Spring

Fern Hammock Springs

Brown water snake

No trailer this weekend,  staying in a cabin at Silver Springs State Park

The only drawback, a kilometer to the Silver River

The end of my up River paddle

From a distance, I thought, osprey?

Monkeys on  both side of the River

On Saturday's glass bottom boat ride, the captain said when the monkeys get in a 3 point stance, look out
This one was making mean noises in a four point stance

Landed at 6:26

Brats on the grill. My cabin mates had not yet arrived.  Travis and Angel volunteer at Springsfest at Silver Springs State Park every year.  I asked if they wanted to share the cabin.  They did. It worked out very well.

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