Sunday, April 26, 2020

Mosquito Lagoon

The Canaveral National Seashore is closed, due to Covid 19.  I do not think I have paddled the north end, near New Smyrna Beach, in 2020.  In Volusia County, beach front parks are closed.  Mainland parks are open.  Would Bethue Park, with frontage on the Atlantic, and backage on Mosquito Lagoon, be open?
 No.  Good thing I had a Plan B.  JB's Fishcamp.  On the water at 7:27

 Paddled to Bethune Park, a noted manatee hang out
 "Just" dolphins today
 This one has an damaged dorsal.   I have been seeing one with the same injury in the area since 2003.  This can't be the same one. Or, can it? Or a descendant?

Turtle Mound
 Modern day shells. In net bags. To reinforce the mound.   Why not have an idle speed zone to reduce erosion, too?

 Not a common red tail hawk, I thought.  Need a better photo.  It flew away.
 Maybe a short tailed hawk?  Time to ask the head of the Florida Keys Audubon  Society.

 Castle Windy shell mound

 Two manatees in a cove where I have often seen them.  Had to me patient, wait for them to surface

 My usual Mosquito Lagoon launch site, at Lot 7.

 Turtle Mound

 Earlier, I asked a guy at the Seashore boat ramp if he was a commercial fisherman. "No, ramp is open, the rest of the Park is closed"
 Good to know.  Kayak launch near the ramp, also open . Seashore entrance sign, below

 Paddled past JB's
 To Bethune Park
 Where a manatee was in the water and a sheriff was kicking out volley ball players, anglers, and kayakers.  I had asked the kayakers, who were about to launch, if the barricades I saw in the morning were still there. "Yes, we walked around them"     People.

 Landed at 12:45. Someone was pretty excited to get on the water
 I had been thinking about a crabulous sandwich since Saturday night. But, the line was too long. People arriving by land and sea.
 I went a mile down the road to check out the ramp at the National Seashore. Which is past the unmanned entry station,  and before the gate.

 Back to JB's where signs say, "No Beach Parking"

 I was not parked long.

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