Sunday, June 28, 2020

Haulover Canal

As I will be in the Florida Keys, marine forecast permitting, next weekend, my initial thought was to do a non-salt water paddle today.  But, I thought all the spring fed waterways will be packed, so I will go to Haulover Canal.  Got a late start.  Saw the same sign I saw Thursday night.  Courtenay Parkway Closed.  No driving to the roadblock this time.  I'll go to Eddy Creek at the Canaveral National Seashore. "Beach Hours 12 PM to 8PM".   Maybe you can still get in the Seashore, I thought.  Wrong.  Barricade at the entrance.  So, I drove through the Refuge, hoping to find a spot to launch.  Got to the intersection that had been blocked on  Thursday.  It was open.  As was the Bairs Cove launch.  Which was crowded.  Which added to the time it took to get on the water.
 Finally on the water at 9:55
 Windy.  From the west, as I paddled towards the Indian River
 And on to Mullet Head Island

 Reddish egret
 Ibis, great egret


 Back to the mainland, or rather the land between the Indian River and Mosquito Lagoon.  Saw a manatee in this area.

 A kayak tour group left this canal as I entered
 Wonder if they saw the manatees

 Back in the Canal, the wind had died down.  The road work must now be on the other side of the draw bridge, which remained in the raised position

 Saw several manatees in the Canal, including one here.
 Manatee swimming by.
 Tri colored heron

 Mosquito Lagoon

Launch tower

 A bit disappointed I did not see any roseate spoonbills on Mullet Head Island, or dolphins.... until, in the Canal, a small pod, cruising fast, comer up for air, now and then.  At least 2 full body leaps out of the water!  Of course, no photos.

 Manatees in the Bairs Cove Ramp basin.

Landed at 1:55.  Car thermometer, 105.

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