Sunday, July 26, 2020

Fort Desoto

Saturday, as I landed at Lettuce Lake Park on the Hillsbourogh River,  I  overheard a Park ranger say, "Magnificent frigate birds are roosting near Fort DeSoto"  I did not find out where.  Until I got home and asked a friend in St. Pete is she had seen them.  She had not, but told be where they might be.
On the water at 8:20 from near the end of the road at East Beach, Fort DeSoto
Cormorant.  Diving under my kayak, flying away, coming back, landing nearby.  Diving again.  Probably disappointed I was not fishing.
Speaking of diving, I saw a ray jump.  From the black and white colors, a manta, perhaps.
The possible roost was on Jackass Key.  Looking at a map, I also saw Mule Key.  A sanitized  version of the name?  No, there is a Mule Key, and a Jackass Key, north of Fort DeSoto.
First, is Listen Key

Mule Key

Jackass Key.  Cormorants and magnificent frigate birds.

Two plays where Rays play. Tampa Bay, and Tropicana Field.

Bonus spoonbill. Nice to see after none Saturday, on the Hillbourgh River.
Tri colored heron

A long paddle back.  Caution crossing the channel where boats from the 30 lane ramp come out

I had parked about as far away from Jackass as you can. At the East Beach road end.  Less people and more time on the water.  I spent more time on the water because I paddle on the wrong side of Bonne Fortune Key on the way back.

The detour let me see a couple manatees.  Saw another ray jump.  This one, mono colored.
Got a picture of a cormorant diving under the kayak
Using the flag as a landmark threw me off.  As it can be seen over Bonne Fortune Key

Landed at 12:08

Went to the closed Headquarters, which I heard has WIFI.  I connect, but got a no Internet message.  Maybe because it has been closed since late March.

Walk out on the Gulf Pier

Egmont Key Lighthouse
Saw a dolphin

Found a shaded picnic table for my sandwich.  It was hot. I think for the first time ever, I did not tour the Fort.
This new bridge was not even begun the last time I here.  Which may have been May, 2017.

I need to bring the Adventure Box and camp for a weekend.

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