Friday, September 4, 2020

Little River, Woodstock, GA

I do not think a sign is required to let you know you have left Florida. Once you see the first, "Ice Forms First on Bridge"  sign, you know you have left the Sunshine State.
I was on my way to Wisconsin.
 But first, a stop at Old Rope Mill Park in Woodstock, GA
I read this launch is new. Just like the one at Trout Creek Park on the Hillsborough River.

Interstate 280something


Saw some paddlers. Asked if they were coming from a waterfall.  They were.

I found it.

Landed for better, or different, view.

Buck legs, below.

 A trickle

Softshell turtle

The old mill ruins

A nice two hour break in the drive.  And, I can add Georgia to the states I have paddled, list.
History of the area.  Was not burned by Sherman.  Post Civil War

Hills of Tennesee

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