Sunday, October 11, 2020

Wekiva River

 I had a dream.  I was riding a bike near Atwater Beach.  That is in my hometown, Shorewood, WI.  The dream inspired me to do a car-bike shuttle from Katie's Landing to Wilson's Landing on the Wekiva River today.

The two Landings are 1.7 miles apart, according to the odometer on the Outback
I was on the River, from Wilson's Landing, at 9:18

One span of the new toll road is complete.  The other, almost
The old Highway 46 bridge between the two new spans.

A sulphur spring is behind the wall.

Paddling past Katie's Landing.


I turned around at the unofficial campsite.

The Wekiva is high, and flowing fast.  Not to mention, the wind was out of the south.  So, I was paddling against the wind, and current.

Paddling in the rain.  I think I paddled in more rain the last 2 day than I have the last 4 months.

Manatees.  4 of them.

The water is too dark to get an underwater picture.

Saw a fish in this boat at the old Wekiva Haven

Landed at 12:46

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