Sunday, January 24, 2021

Gamble Rogers State Park

When trailer camping at the beach, it is easy to roll out of bed for a beach walk.


I had not used the electric skillet in over a year.  Had an omelet for breakfast

I could not see the Atlantic from my site, unless I stood on the picnic table.   But, 10-15 yards away is a clearing with a bench, providing a pleasant view

As written in the prior Tale, I had the best site at Gamble Rogers.
At the end of the campground, so no neighbors on one side.
A browsing deer across from where I launched my kayak

Islands to paddle around off the main channel of the Halifax/Matanzas Rivers/Intracoastal Waterway. The Halifax is south of Gamble Rogers, the Matanzas, north.

Had a fairly long paddle through the mangroves

A short paddle, just over 2 hours

Had lunch overlooking the Atlantic.  Hoping to spot a right whale.  Which are in the area this time of year.  On Saturday, I saw what may have been a fin, or a fluke.  If a fin, kit was not a right whale.  No dorsal fin 

I left at 1:30.  I miss a lot of Packer games when I am kayaking.  I was not going to miss the NFC Championship.  Oh well.  As a fan who lived through the dark years of the '70's and 80's I am grateful for what they have done over the past 30 years. 

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