Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Lakes Maitland and Nina

Launching from Fort Maitland Park at 6:41.  Had to stop at Home Depot to get more mulch for the front yard.  Picky HOA Management Co. is on my case. I guess we pay them monthly dues to harass homeowners, not to take care of the yards.

Lake Maitland


Lake Nina

Dog Island, Lake Maitland

Landed at 7:27
I knew the Space X Inspiration launch window opened at 8:04.  Should have had a camera with me as I spread mulch in the dark, and then got the mail.  Took off, right at 8:04 as I came back from the mailbox.  By the time I went inside,  came back out with a camera, it was well on its way. 

Cool to see, and get photos of the booster falling away.

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