Saturday, November 6, 2021

Holmes Creek, Econfina Creek, and more

Road to Cotton Landing on Holmes Creek

On the water at 10 AM, 9 Central.  I was west of the Apalachicola River.  Some folks may not know Florida is in two time zones

A short, down Creek paddle to Cypress Springs

Cypress Spring

One of my favorites.  Had it to myself.   High forties is not that cold. 

The key is having a change of swim trunks.

Had it to myself. Until I left
I hate anyone who makes noise in nature, even if the music is ok.  I did ask where he launched his 130 horse speed boat.  At Culpeper Landing. Which is "closed"

Paddled out the spring run, returning to Holmes Creek.

Red shouldered hawk

There a couple small springs in this area.  I have only seen them a couple times.  The water level has to be just right. 
It was not just right, this time.

Paddled back up Holmes Creek, to Cotton Landing
And, beyond.

Landed at 12:10, 11:10 Central
My original plan was to trailer camp here, Saturday night.  40 degrees is not to cool to swim, but its too cool to sleep with being able to plug in a heating pad.  Luckily, the Stone B&B was available

Why it is called, Cotton Landing.

 Next stop, Ponce DeLeon Springs State Park

Once again, I had the spring to myself.

Sand Creek. There is no place to launch at Ponce De Leon Springs State Park
Spring run waters meeting Sand Creek

Next stop, Morrison Spring

One lane bridges on the way to the boat ramp.
I did not launch.   I did once before.  A short, wide spring run flows into the Choctawhatchee River. Which is very swift.
A guy coming the other way on this dock looked familiar. "Matt?"  "Dave"  I worked with Matt.  He has been working from home since April of 2020.  An avid scuba diver, he was diving several Panhandle springs over a long weekend. 

The was just my second time at Morrison Spring.  I failed to locate the spring vent.  When I figured out where it was,  thanks to a diver pointing out a float, it was too cool to swim back out.
Besides, I had places to go.
Florida Ironman.  I planned my activities so I would not be driving on the 112 mile bike portion while the race was in progress.  I did had to stop for  awhile at the intersection of Highways 20 and 79.   I rolled down my windows and cheered the racers until there was a gap and the sheriff's deputies waved me through the intersection
Econfina  Creek

Pitt Spring.  

Landed at the Williford Spring Dock

Third of four springs I had all to myself.  

Back in the kayak. The paddle to Willford was up stream, now I headed back down Econfina Creek

This little spring, just before Emerald, was not visible the last time I was here.

Emerald Spring

Gainer Springs

Back in the kayak.  My goal to always have a dry swimsuit went awry back at Williford. But, temps had warmed up.  Into the 60's.  If I do a Panhandle, spring hoping trip over Christmas, or New Years, I will have 2 spare suits in the kayak

Landed just before 7.  6 Central.

Dinner at San Marcos, in Marianna.  Needed two plates for the six items.  Which was one more than the springs I snorkeled.

Not to mention, chips and salsa.  And a margarita as large as some 4th magnitude springs. 

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