Saturday, January 15, 2022

No Name Key Friday, Jan 14

 This was an unexpected trip to Key West.  My great nephew, Phineas, is in a play.  I had to go see it.
My trip got off to a bad start.  30 miles from home, I opened up the arm rest to check my wallet.  Not there.  Felt around the seat. Did not find it.  Got off on the Highway 192 Exit.  Pulled into a parking lot.  Looked for the wallet. Could not find it.  So, I drove home.  Walked in the door. Not on the dining room table.  Back to the car, searched and searched. Did not find it.  Was is stolen?  It was about 6-6:30 AM. I'm thinking, go to Publix when it opens, to get proof of my vacination, then the bank to get some cash.... inot the car one last time.  In the driver's seat, open up the armrest again, hmm those CD's are not straight....because the wallet is under them. Idiot.  But, better than having the wallet stolen.

 Fred the Tree.  The old section of the 7 Mile Bridge re opened to pedestrians and bikes, earlier in the week.  The small parking lot at the base of the bridge was  closed.

On the water, from the No Name Key side of the Bogie Channel, at 1:00 PM


Great white heron

Saw a deer on this point, once.  Did not see any while kayaking.  I did see one on the drive in.

Landed at 3:56
Key deer

Got to my sister's changed shirts, and walked to Meson de Pepe for a pre play dinner

The large Cuban restaurant is next to the Waterfront Playhouse, on Mallory Square.
I had lechon, Cuban roast pork.  Stage for Matilda, the Musical.
Phineas had the role of Nigel.  He has a few lines, which he said very well.  I said he also held his stance better than anyone in a scene where the cast freezes.  Someone, maybe his Dad said,  well, he learned on the first night not to be on one foot when it was time to freeze. 
Monica and Bill's living room.  Unlike Thanksgiving, when I had the entire downstairs, this visit I slept in the attic. The downstairs is rented out. The finest lodging in Key West. 

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