Thursday, April 21, 2022

Wekiva River

 On the water at 6:43. Delayed a minute or two because a ranger told me the park gate was closing at 7:45 PM. With a padlock, because the automatic opener is broken. "It's been broken for a couple weeks" I said. "The road work broke it"

Turned around at  the bridge to nowhere.

Landed at 7:34.  I thought the 7:45 PM locking was not correct. just the ranger not wanting to round people up tp get them out.  But, I had to fill the gas tank, buy groceries, and hook up the camping trailer, so, I figured I could be a nice guy and leave the Park before 8.  I also wondered it the combination on the padlock would be the same as the gate code. 
Grey catbird.

I did not fully secure the kayak to the car.  Drove to the gate, which was open.  Got out, finished securing the kayak. Drove through, just before 8. Saw a paper sign on the gate. Stopped, got out to see what it said. "Padlock combination is gate code". Good information to know. 

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