Sunday, May 1, 2022

Coupon Bight

That's a frangipani flower. Actually, several petals that were on my hood. Since it was May Day, I decided to festoon the kayak. 

Breakfast views
Frangipani tree 
On the water at 9:20. Saw two Key deer on Long Beach Road.  I never saw a Key deer until I began kayaking. First ones I saw, were at Coupon Bight.

 Coupon Bight 


I heard a rustle in the mangroves before I saw the deer.

Atlantic Ocean.  The reef makes it seem like just a like a big lake.

My other kayak, through the mangroves

Landed at 12:05

Bahia Honda Bridge

Fred the Tree. 7 Mile Bridge

Not a bad drive. The usual people not driving the speed limit  on  a two lane highway.  Back up on the first part of the 18 Mile Stretch.  $4.09 gas in Key Largo. It is $4.19 in Orlando. 

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