Sunday, June 12, 2022

Hontoon Island State Park


5:53 AM , I step out to take a leak, and this barred owl lands on the railing. Perhaps the same one that landed on a tree limb at 6:10 AM, Saturday morning.
Went back to bed, but not to sleep. So, began a walk at 6:38  AM  

Saw a deer
Youth camping area

Friday afternoon, I loaded my bike in the Park van with the rest of my stuff. Later, I read the campground rules, which state that is not allowed. So, I rode it to the dock area.

The only totems found outside the Northwest US, were found near Hontoon Island. 
These are replicas

Leaving the Island.
Approaching the mainland
Return to the Island.  

In my kayak at 9:11
Black bellied whistling duck

Big, hidden gator

Wood stork rookery





Mud Lake
There were manatees





Landed at 12:20
I was going to eat lunch on the mainland, but I had I bathroom would be nice, and their are none in the parking lot.  So, I hoisted the flag for the ferry. 

Last look at the St. Johns before heading home.  I will be back sooner than expected.  I left a drybag in the cabin

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