Thursday, July 28, 2022

Wekiva, upstream from Katie's Landing.

On the River at 11:47. On a Thursday. I was kayaktineing.  Kayak + quarantine.
The Covid count from Saturday's wedding attendees is 9.  I woke with a headache, scratchy throat , and felt a bit warm.  Not wanting to infect, or further infect, my colleagues at work, I called in sick.

But for Covid, I would have gone in.  I was not feeling that bad.  But, there is no question I have been exposed.  Three generations of the family have it.  Including the bride and groom.
I cut the lawn, and feeling 90% after that, decided I can quarantine in the kayak.


I was delayed getting on the water, as work called, to discuss testing and whatnot.  I already knew that nothing was available at the CVS near my house. or any CVS within 15 miles, Thursday or Friday.

Katie's Landing, while part of the State Park system,  does not have on site personnel.  So, launching is contactless. I advised an angler getting off the River of my possible Covid status 

The spring run at Wekiva Falls

Back on the Wekiva

Turned around at 1:30

Saw about 15 people, half in one group

Only gator on a hot afternoon

Sandhill cranes

Landed at 3:12.  Went to the nearest CVS, to see if I could do a walk-in test.  "You have to schedule online"  Is anything available today? "I don't know, you have to schedule online"  So, I went online, and the store I was at was not coming up.  Other stores, from Deland to Auburndale, nothing available today through Tuesday.  But, plenty of $23.99 two test kits on the shelves.  Bait and switch, if you ask me.

I studied and passed the test.  The blue line means negative. I have it on the wrong page of the instructions.  

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